Criminal Law

Britain’s prisons are becoming ever more like the failed US system

Just around the corner from where the Krays used to hold sway in east London’s Brick Lane there is an establishment called Alcotraz. Described as “London’s first immersive theatrical cocktail bar”, Alcotraz allows you to dress up in a prison uniform, get locked up in a cell, have a cocktail or two, and get your […]

Britain’s prisons are becoming ever more like the failed US system Read More »

Treasury blocked extra Nightingale Court plans despite justice crisis

The Treasury refused to bankroll the creation of an extra 33 Nightingale courtrooms despite the backlog of criminal trials soaring to record levels, it has been revealed. The Ministry of Justice drew up plans earlier this year to open up a new series of ad-hoc courts to help tackle the justice crisis, as victims, witnesses, and defendants faced lengthy delays with rape and

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Boys locked in rooms 23 hours a day without air-conditioning at G4S-run prison

Children were held in a ‘chaotic’ privately-run prison in Milton Keynes for up to 23 hours a day throughout the summer without proper air conditioning or ventilation, according to a damning report from prison inspectors identifying widespread failings. Oakhill secure training centre is run by G4S and holds up to 80 boys aged 12 to

Boys locked in rooms 23 hours a day without air-conditioning at G4S-run prison Read More »

HMP Bronzefield Death: Mother was ‘failed’ says inspectors

An 18-year-old inmate who lost her baby at Europe\’s largest women\’s prison should never have given birth alone in her cell, according to a critical report from inspectors. The baby died in September 2019 at HMP Bronzefield in Surrey. The Prisons and Probation Ombudsman report found a series of failings in the teenager\’s treatment. The

HMP Bronzefield Death: Mother was ‘failed’ says inspectors Read More »

Patel faces widening revolt over policing bill’s restrictions on protest

The home secretary, Priti Patel, is facing a growing revolt in parliament and the country over plans to restrict the fundamental right to protest, as controversial legislation that would increase police powers enters the House of Lords this week. More than 350 organisations, including human rights groups, charities and faith bodies, have written to Patel and

Patel faces widening revolt over policing bill’s restrictions on protest Read More »

Child arrests reduced by 74% in a decade

Police made 63,272 child arrests in England and Wales in 2020 Arrests reduced by 74 per cent since 245,763 were made in 2010 Figures show continued success of Howard League campaign Keeping children out of the criminal justice system helps prevent crime Arrests of children have been reduced by 74 per cent over the last decade, figures reveal today (Monday 23 August) in another

Child arrests reduced by 74% in a decade Read More »

Sentences for violent crimes fall sharply in England and Wales

Average sentence lengths for violent and sexual offences in England and Wales fell steeply last year as the Covid pandemic also led to a huge slowdown in the number of people dealt with by the criminal justice system. The average custodial sentence length for violent crimes fell by 22% to 18.5 months and the figure

Sentences for violent crimes fall sharply in England and Wales Read More »

‘Neither acceptable nor inevitable’: Peers gives verdict on Covid Courts

Coronavirus has had a ‘devastating’ impact on courts and the effect of virtual hearings is still ‘fundamentally unclear’, an influential Lords committee has found. In a comprehensive report published today, the House of Lords constitution committee said the backlog in the criminal courts has reached ‘crisis levels’ and the quality of justice is ‘increasingly at

‘Neither acceptable nor inevitable’: Peers gives verdict on Covid Courts Read More »